Archive for September, 2011

Just finished watching the Mr. Olympia pre-judging, all I can say is that I am speechless. Phil Heath brought his “A” game this year, but Jay Cutler looked awesome. Tomorrow will tell who will take the title, I am also interested to know if Jay will continue to compete next year or if he is going to retire. There has been some talk about his retirement.

Today was back day, my weight is at 187 pounds, 13 more pounds left to gain and only a few weeks left before I start my contest preperations. I really hit my back hard today and I am trying to increase width and thickness of my back.

Close Grip Pulldowns – 5sets x 10reps at 196lbs to front

Wide Grip Pulldowns – 5sets x 10reps at 200lbs to back

One Arm Rows – 5sets x 10reps at 50lbs (my dumbells only go to 50lbs time to look for heavier ones)

Shoulder Shrugs – 5sets x 10reps at 175lbs – should have gone heavier here, but I wasn’t paying attention to the weight until after

Calf Raises – 3sets x 15reps at 175lbs

I heard today that one of the Olympians on the stage started out as a bantemweight, I would love to end up on that stage. I may be a little old already I am 31 and I think Phil Heath is 31 and he is already on the stage.  Leave me some comments would love to hear from you.

Today I killed my chest, I don’t ever think I have hit them this hard. I started using a new pre-workout that is insane. The focus and motivation it give me just pushes me through it.

Decline Benchpress – 4sets x 8reps at 175lbs

Single Butterfly Press – 5sets x 10reps at 135lbs

Flat Benchpress – 5sets x 4reps at 205lbs

I just realized that I forgot incline press and reverse grip press, oops. Well I got a good pump and I know I worked my chest, I am stll feeling the pump.

Legs Press – 5sets x 20reps at 196lbs

Tomorrow is back, calves and squats…..

Today was tricep day, I really enjoy hitting my triceps. To keep things switched up I have been using to find new excercises to hit new areas of my triceps. It is important to remember to switch your routines up every 2 weeks to one month. In order to keep growing you have to keep the body guessing.

Diet was on today, I still have one more meal to consume before I go to bed, that meal will be eaten about 11:00 tonight. I have found with the more I eat the hungrier I am. Which is weird since earlier in the year I had to force my self to eat, I am much happier being hungry to eat.


Close Grip Pulldown  – 5sets x 8reps x 48lbs

Rope Pulldowns – 5sets x 8reps x 48lbs

Reverse Grip Pulldowns – 6sets x 8reps x 36lbs If you have not done these before you should try them. Really hit the muscles hard

Lying Tricep Curl – 6sets x 8reps x 60lbs

I also completed 3 sets at a light weight to failure to push blood into the muscles and really finish them off. Tomorrow is chest day, always a fun time.

Counting down the days until the contest diet starts. This will be the first time I have cut since I have started to workout, I am really excited to see how my physique looks with my bodyfat down to 5 percent or less. I cannot wait to step on that stage in January, and show off my hardwork and dedication to the sport has paid off.


Today I realized a major flaw in my diet, I have been eating only 3 meals with a meat protein a day. The rest of the have been either eggs or some other source of protein. My goal is to eat 6 meals with a meat protein.

My shoulders are becoming one of my favorite workouts to perform. Its motivating for me to look back at the pictures I take month to month and see the progress. Hopefully later this week I will be able to get some new pictures up.

Here is the workout from today –

Lateral Raises – 5sets x 8reps at 35lbs

Side Raises – 4sets x 8reps at 30lbs

One arm row focus on rear head – 5sets x 8reps at 50lbs

Shoulder Press – 4sets x 8reps at 50lbs

Tomorrow we will work on the triceps, I have been studying up on some new workouts to change things up a bit. I only have a few weeks left to pack on as many pounds as possible.

Again I would love to hear from you guys with questions, tips… anything

I would like to start todays entry by asking if anyone is reading this? I really started this for my own reference, but if I can get other people to read this it may encourage them to get into shape. Today was bicep day my stregnth felt really good today.

Cable Curls – 2sets x 10reps  (warm up)

Olympic Bar Curls – 4sets x 10reps at 85lbs

Hammer Curls – 5sets x 6reps at 30lbs

Don’t know what to call this but its like a hammer curl but it inside to the chin 4sets x 6reps at 30lbs

I am increasing my caloric intake to 6000 calories to keep gains in weight coming. My goal is to hit 200 before my contest preperation begins in October.

I have really been tearing up my shoulders trying to bring up the 3 heads. I am really starting to notice the progress is my shoulders. When I starting contest prep, they should really pop. A new thing I am going to try is hitting every body part twice a week for the next month. This is my final push to add any mass that I can.

I have started researching contest preperation and I need to know the ins and outs of it so that I peak at the right time. Its amazing how much thought goes into every detail. I was amazed at how important it is to pick the right posing trunks.

Stay tuned for more……

It has been along time since my last entry. My Wife is a Teacher and is off during the summer so I am usually away from my computer. I continued my workout regimen and gained over 10 pounds, I am currently at 184 pounds and continuing to gain weight. I have one more month until my cutting diet starts, I hope to get to 200 pounds before I start cutting, I plan on competing at 185 pounds.

I have been hitting the weights heavy with low rep. Also been concentraing on a allot of single arm excercies. I am no longer going to post the weights, reps, and sets.


Rope Pulldowns

Single arm reverse pulldown

Single arm overhead press

Tricep Press

I would love to hear some feedback from you guys out there.